/var/log/syslog not rotating

The logs at /var/log are not getting rotated with the result that the files are bloating in size and filling up the server. The command sudo logrotate -f /etc/logrotate.d/rsyslog shows the error error: skipping “/var/log/syslog” because parent directory has insecure permissions (It’s world writable or writable by group which is not “root”) Set “su” directive

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Enable CSF Block Lists To Block Bots Malicious Traffic

CSF or Config Server Firewall is an essential firewall that every VPS should have in order to protect the server from being bombarded by thousands of malicious bots. The bots do various nefarious activities such as ‘port scanning’ (looking for which ports are open and vulnerable for intrusion), ‘Brute force login’ (guessing various combinations of username and password) etc

VPS Used To Send Spam Email Messages

Today morning, I got a shocking message from servermania. “New support ticket was created Subject: Abuse – 23.236……. Hello, This message is to notify you that your server located at 23.236……. is now in violation of our Terms of Service located at http://www.servermania.com/tos.htm‎ and is subject to account suspension leading up to termination without notice.

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