I am using PHPList to send emails to my subscribers. When you use PHPList (or any other self-hosted email programme) a large number of mails are either rejected outright or delivered to the Spam/ Junk folder of the recipient. Three things are essential to avoid emails being rejected by the receiving or being treated as
How To Track Visitors Coming To Your Site
When visitors come to your site, you want to know (i) what search term or link they came from; (ii) which Country they came from; (iii) did they browse any other pages, (iv) how long did they stay on the site. This information is very valuable. If people are repeatedly coming to your site in
Why Email Subscription Option Is Important
Most visitors to your site land up because they found your site on google or they clicked a link you placed somewhere. They come, they see, they leave and they forget about your site. If the post they came in for interested them, there is a good chance that they would be interested in other
WordPress Nginx Cache Plugin
If you are running WordPress on apache, you have no problem because all the well-known cache plugins like Quick Cache, WP Super Cache & W3 Total Cache work very well. However, if you are running WordPress on nginx, then you have a problem because with the different rewrite rules that Nginx has, the cache plugins
Could Not Create Directory: WordPress Plugin/ Upgrade FTP Problem
We have seen that to be able to upload plugins to your wordpress, you need to install a ftp programme like vsftpd. When you feed in the ftp information, you will run into this problem: Downloading install package from http://downloads.wordpress.org/plugin/twitter-mentions-as-comments.1.5.2.zip…Unpacking the package…Could not create directory. /var/www/wp-content/upgrade/twitter-mentions-as-comments.tmpReturn to Plugin Installer I solved the problem this way:
SSH Commands To Check The VPS Performance
Here are some common SSH commands done through putty to check the performance of the VPS Checking the processor used for the VPS [abc@vps2 ~]$ cat /proc/cpuinfoprocessor : 0vendor_id : GenuineIntelcpu family : 6model : 44model name : Intel(R) Core(TM) i7 CPU 970 @ 3.20GHzstepping : 2cpu MHz : 3200.539cache size : 12288 KB To
Quick Cache & Nginx
Quick Cache is one of my favourite WordPress cache plugins because it works very well without requiring any configuration and delivers a noticeable quickness with which the web pages are delivered. You can check whether Quick Cache is working by seeing the “source” of the page. At the bottom, you will see This Quick Cache
Avoid WordPress Asking FTP Credentials When You Install/ Upgrade Plugins
When you want to install or upgrade a plugin, wordpress will display a message stating: To perform the requested action WordPress needs to access your web server.Please enter your FTP credentials to proceed.If you do not remember your credentials you should contact your web host This problem is solved by installing Vsftpd (Very Secure FTP
How To Create Back-Up Of VPS Server
In creating a back-up of a VPS server, there are three things you must take care of: (i) All the files must be backed up; (ii) The MySql database should be backed up; (iii) A copy of the data base should be either downloaded onto your computer and/or transferred to another VPS so that if
Install PHPMyadmin on VPS
PHPMyadmin is an invaluable tool for managing MySql databases. Installing PhpMyadmin on your VPS is very easy: (i) Go to the PHPMyadmin site to see which is the latest version. Currently, it is 3.5.1-all-languages.tar.gz. So, lets download the file: wget http://downloads.sourceforge.net/project/phpmyadmin/phpMyAdmin/3.5.1/phpMyAdmin-3.5.1-all-languages.tar.gz Now unpack it: tar xvfz phpMyAdmin-3.5.1-all-languages.tar.gz It will unpack to a folder called phpmyadmin