Enable CSF Block Lists To Block Bots Malicious Traffic

CSF or Config Server Firewall is an essential firewall that every VPS should have in order to protect the server from being bombarded by thousands of malicious bots. The bots do various nefarious activities such as ‘port scanning’ (looking for which ports are open and vulnerable for intrusion), ‘Brute force login’ (guessing various combinations of username and password) etc

Blogger To WordPress Nginx 301 Redirection Rules

The process of moving a website from blogger or blogspot to a self-operated wordpress site is very simple. All that one has to do is take a backup of the posts from blogger from settings > Other > import & backup. Clicking the ‘Backup Content’ button downloads a xml file of all the posts made on blogger. Thereafter, it is a simple matter of uploading these posts to the wordpress site using the Blogger importer tool at Dashboard > Tools > Import > Blogger.