Secure & Harden Centos VPS Server (Install APF Firewall)

Install APF (Advanced Firewall Policy) APF also works with iptables so you must make sure iptables is installed You can check the status of iptables with the command service iptables status and install it with the command yum install iptables* -y Now you can download & install APF wget -zxf apf-current.tar.gzcd apf-9*./ Open the

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WordPress VPS FTP Connection Problem

When you try to install or upgrade a plugin in WordPress, you will see this message Connection InformationTo perform the requested action, WordPress needs to access your web server. Please enter your FTP credentials to proceed. If you do not remember your credentials, you should contact your web host. If you enter your default root

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Yum thread.error: can’t start new thread

When you do a yum update, you will periodically encounter this error Yum thread.error: can’t start new thread This error is caused by a bug in the fastestmirror plugin in Yum. To resolve this error, there are two solutions that you can try: (A) Solution I (i) Stop the mysql server with the command: /etc/init.d/mysqld

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Difference Between VePortal & SolusVM

You need a control panel to manage your VPS and to perform functions like installing the OS, rebooting it, checking CPU & RAM usage etc. Some hosts like & VolumeDrive offer VePortal while others like Virpus, MiniVPS & SemoWeb offer Solus VM. Lets’ take a look at the difference between the two: As one

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